Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I'm always haunted by this concept of consumerism. I get annoyed with the way people talk about their possessions. I can't tell if this is because I never made a lot of money, or because I really am not good at dressing well, making a nice home, etc.

I was able to spend sometime with my in-laws who just got back from 4 months in Angola. I was hoping that they would be moving back to the states sometime, so they'd be around when we have kids. It looks as if they'll be moving to Angola, so there goes my plan. Anyway, my mom-in-law always talks about how she can't stand being back in the states with all the spending and greediness. I know she would never get used to it, but I notice that I get caught up in it a bit, but have never had enough money to really know how to spend.

Anyway, it's hard for her coming from a place where people are starving and kids are half naked to looking at people (not just Americans) spending every last penny, or money they don't buy the next greatest thing. It seems as if people are advertising their possessions as well. Talking about how amazing this color is, versus this shirt, versus this car, versus this _______.

Don't get me wrong. Spending is good for the economy, but you can't disagree with me that it's kind of sickening when their are starving people all over the world. I'm not saying we all have to live in poverty. I'm just sitting here chilly, in front of my space heater, wishing I had more heat, warmer (and cuter) clothes, and possibly some good company to talk about this issue in my head.

:) I know very well that this isn't any new concept or idea. It has haunted me for years, but is back I needed to express myself a bit. I'm pressed, but not crushed, perplexed but not in despair, persecuted but not abandoned, struck down but not destroyed...Jesus, please manifest your life in my body. May I live for you alone. Teach me to love others, especially those that annoy me.

I have clothes to wear and have food to eat and have the most wonderful husband in the world. That's a good life and a good ending to this rant

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