Friday, June 5, 2009


Breakfast is a very cultural experience in Spain. Everyone takes a break from their job to get a coffee and munchie. I never go out, but we were talking with our friend and he likes the same breakfast as me. I decided to meet him for breakfast this morning, thinking it would be with all his co-workers. It was just us and everyone in the city passed by and he told them I was the wife of Dan. It was awkward, but ok. I did enjoy my Catalana (toast with tomato paste, jamon, and olive oil) and cafe con leche!

Then I went home and a man in our neighborhood asked if I wanted to get a drink with him. I decided a coke would be nice. This man speaks slowly and is paralyzed on his right side due to a severe stroke. I could understand him well and I practiced my Spanish and I think we both did a good job. I asked him his name and then he decided he wanted to give me kisses. He tried to kiss me on the lips and I had to pull away. Then he started to wink at me and ask me if I understood. I said no and then said I was married and he gave me the "shhh" sign. He continued to wink and I told him that I love my husband and that I didn't like his wink and left.

Uggghhh...two awkward moments. I don't like anything that makes my marriage look bad. I don't enjoy being seen with a man my age, especially in a small town where everyone talks. I also don't like old men hitting on me. I definitely prefer being with Dan. Oh well.

I am studying for finals now. Two left and one group project!

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