Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday Nights

My church started a new contemporary church service on Saturday nights. There has been a group of 15-20 people who have been coming, but I couldn't be more pleased with where God is leading us. Our church on Sundays used to be about 15 people for 3 or so years and we were a tight family who were there for one another. When we got a surge of people (60 or so), we lost that small group family. Now I view this Saturday service as a chance to gain that small group feel back. We can share with one another, encourage and pray for one another, and ultimately grow together as Christians. God is moving in everyone's life there and we are able to share all the amazing things that God is doing. It's great, though many are going through a lot of painful events. Overall, it is a great ministry to be involved in and I'm thankful that I have the opportunity to go each Saturday (until my work schedule doesn't allow me to).

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