Thursday, May 22, 2008

Oshkosh, WI

It was so good to be back in WI for my grandmother's funeral. All of my mom's siblings were there and most of the cousins. It was great to catch up and exchange emails for staying in contact.

Dan got to meet Pat (bio-dad) and Shawn (my little brother), but not Derek (the other brother). Shawn was just too much for words. He is amazing. If we had grown up together, he would have been one of my best friends. He is the biggest sweet heart! Pat was well. I couldn't believe how much of Grandma Fletcher is in him. He brought me a photo album from the trip to Florida that I went on with mom and grandma.

It was a bit of an emotional weekend, but all good emotions. I missed my family a lot, so it was great to see them all.

Now off to finish up school. 3 more wks!

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