Thursday, May 29, 2008

stress setting in

I have not had a lot of school work, so I've been studying for the GRE. In the mean time, I've also been applying to grad school. Everything is in except taking the GRE and passing NCLEX. This is a bit stressful, but it will happen.

I had to talk to advisor today and they are doing everything in their power to present me to a council this Monday. They will go over my application and "stuff" and give me a provisional acceptance that would be pending my GRE score and obtaining my license.

I also applied for a governmental scholarship. I had to get all these documents turned in with signature from everyone, so I really hope I get it. If I do not get funding, I am not sure that I'll be able to go to grad school. I guess we will see.

As for school. I have 2 presentations, a make-up take-home quiz and 2 finals left! Shouldn't be too bad. Then I have to take the GRE and study for boards and pass them!

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