Thursday, March 5, 2009

Exciting Times

I officially have two weeks left of Winter quarter and will be so happy to have all this work done! I cannot thank God enough for giving me the strength and peace that I've needed to get all these projects, papers, exams, etc., done. I am slowly chipping away at these last projects and have been happy with the results.

I have not been having the panic spells as of late, but really have a peace in the midst of the storm. If I learned anything from Andorra, it's that I may be more productive with big breaks during the day, or at least a break. Yesterday Dan and I went grocery shopping and I got a lot of work done after that. I think just sitting in front of this computer screen can be numbing and for sure distracting if people post things on facebook. I'll check that one posting, then see some photos that people posted, and before you know it, 20 minutes has gone by.

I just found out that the U.S. has Daylight Savings this weekend so I looked up Spain's and we do not changed until the 29th. I just need to know for lecture and testing purposes. I do not want to be late :) or miss an exam due to something as silly as a time change.

Well...I'm off to eat breakfast and work!

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