Sunday, March 30, 2008

Great People, too much business

I led worship today with Dan. It was awesome. I love playing with him! The people loved it, but it makes me so uncomfortable when they tell me they like it and miss me when I don't play. The lady who is in charge wasn't there. It seems as if she never shows when we play. She never communicates with us and it's frustrating. I really think a lot has to change in the music area of our church for new people to come, but I don't know how to communicate that to the chair lady without hurting her feelings. I'm also quite passionate about the subject and can get very blunt. So far I've done a good job in keeping my mouth shut, but I hate doing it!

The church wants to hire a our part-time pastor as full-time. He is teaching currently, but they want to raise money to hire him full-time. I hate the business aspect of it. Dan and I think we will try to transition out by June. I'm hoping God leads us to a new place where we can settle, but if that is Spain, there won't be much settling.

I'm missing Arizona a lot today. It's cold and rainy and gray. I miss the sunshine!!!

School starts at 8am tomorrow. I'm excited to finish! I can't believe that I'll be done in 10 wks!

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