Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Panic Day

Well, the day before any exam is "Panic Day" for me because I realize all the stuff that I haven't gone over or memorized. Thankfully I have a husband who is doing all the chores and cooking me lunch! I also have an amazing mom who had some very comforting words that always put things into the big picture. What a great family I have!

So, the big picture. I will soon be a nurse (RN, BSN). Even though I strive for straight A's and a killer GPA, where does that get me in nursing? No where. It's a job that will always be desperate for workers and my Awesome GPA means nothing. So this last year, I (un)fortunately have been settling for some B's which has helped my mental state, but has caused disappointment by knowing that I'm not doing my best. Really, the mental state is much more important to not only me, but my husband and everyone who is around me. Yeah for B's!!!

One positive aspect of A's...I didn't have to pay for college this year. The governmental grants and the scholarships that I've earned with good grades took care of everything but books. Yeah for some stress!

June it will all end...except passing my state boards (NCLEX). So, okay, it will take me the entire summer to be done, but at least classes and UC's College of Nursing will be done in June!

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