Monday, September 29, 2008

Reduced to Tears

School has been tough. Having the 6 hour delay is a bit challenging because professors don't post things until later their time, so I don't get things until the next day which seems to put me a day behind. I have lots of reading and more reading on top of that.

This weekend I was trying to do my Financial Management homework. The assignments are so difficult and I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know what the terms are or how anything functions. I read but it doesn't make sense. I was overwhelmed with everything and actually cried. Silliness.

That evening, I found out that I didn't get the government scholarship that would have paid for all of school and gives a $1000 monthly stipend for a commitment of 2 yrs of service to a hospital in need. I was disappointed and asked Dan if that was a sign from God that I could quit school :) He of course answered, "NO!"

As for everything else, I'm still running. Exercise is always the first thing to go when I get in school. I feel guilty if I'm not studying, but Dan has kept me motivated and I feel better overall. I pushed myself yesterday and ran farther. Someday I will get around that entire island!!!

1 comment:

L said...

Bless your heart! Do you have any contact with any other students taking some of these classes? Is there any way you can confer with them on some of these confusing things? I can't imagine...I would be so lost. Sometimes it feels good to cry and get it out. I hope it helped a little. You are such a hard little worrker and so smart, will ace all these classes.

You're so good that you're running -- wish I could do that -- too many knee problems. I hope you have a great rest of your day.