Monday, February 9, 2009

Thankful for prayers

I had an enjoyable weekend for once. I really didn't do anything out of the ordinary, but I had so much peace. I caught up on my work and actually spent the weekend working on end of the quarter projects which was relieving. Until then, I did not have a free moment to work and to actually start was nice!

I can't thank my family and friends enough for their prayers! I truly lose sight of reality when I'm in school. I was so overwhelmed and could not focus, and now I am getting my work done and do not feel the stress as I did before. My work is still overwhelming, but I just take deep breaths and focus on one thing at a time.

I am getting over a cold while Dan is trying to fight it off on his own. I am hoping he doesn't get sick because he has his own stress from the dissertation. Our Andorra trip and spring break will be wonderful for a well-being!

On a side note: I wanted to buy chorizo but I accidentally bought blood sausage. Usually blood sausage is black, so I really don't believe this had blood in it. Dan and I decided to try it, so he fried it up and it tasted like chorizo, so it was a success. I will be more careful next time, but at least it tasted good. It is gross to think about, but I have to log the few Spanish memories that I'm making!

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