Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A week into October

Wow, a week has flown by...again! This past weekend we had two music practices for our new Saturday service that kicks off the 10th. I'm quite excited about the service, but I still have no idea what it will look like, who will be interested in coming to it, and what kind of music we'll be doing. For now we are a little more traditional contemporary than what I was picturing, but I of course, like the older contemporary music. (do I keep stating an oxymoron with the phrase "older contemporary" or "traditional contemporary"?) We will see where it goes after this Saturday.

There is a new couple who Dan and I have met through the starting of this service. They have been generous in opening up their house for Dan and I to watch the Pack vs. Vikes last Monday. Horrible (but kind of fun) game! They have a house church that I am praying and mulling over and over in my mind. I would love to be a part of something like this, but I am letting Dan make the final call. He is so stretched with teaching, applying for jobs, writing his dissertation, the new music service, etc. I hate to put anything else on his plate.

I've been still making it to the gym classes. Last night I did core pilates and looked like a fool. My name means "graceful" but it's a lie! Uggh.

I also found out this week that I'll be completing my last clinical at St. Elizabeth's hospital in northern Kentucky. I saw a person throw their fast food garbage out their car window while driving. 'Nuf said! No, it should actually be a good experience!

Well, back to work and applying for a job.

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