Thursday, May 21, 2009

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

I don't know why I insist on sticking my foot in my mouth at every social gathering in which I attend.

There is a large archaeological conference in town. German, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish archaeologist are here and last night there was a 10pm cocktail hour at the theater. Dan said I could go and everyone spoke English so it was comforting. Most of the people are very intelligent, but lack social skills. I was so excited to be able to talk to people that I talked a lot. Many of them had never been to the theater before so Dan and I told them about the musical that we had seen a few years ago.

It was about Homer's Odyssey, but it took place in World War II and it was about gypsies trying to get back to their home. It was cleverly done and though I did not understand the words, the music and actions were beautiful and I sobbed throughout the beautiful performance. For some reason I was so caught up in telling a German woman about the performance and she was feeding me with fascination and goose-bumps. I then said, "and it was so intense with the gypsies trying to get out of the concentration camps and the Germans coming after them...err...eeek..." stumble stumble over my words...feel humiliated and stupid....wonder if I should apologize, keep talking about the musical....5 minutes topic!

Yeah, not cool. Dan said it wasn't a big deal at all; that Germans look at it like we look at our Civil War. I don't know.

The rest of the night I was much more calm and I did not get emotionally involved in a topic, but the conversation was very broken and uneasy (all the nerds trying to speak to one another) ;) I was thankful for the opportunity to speak again to people in English and not my broken Spanish, and enjoy the great weather in a great setting!

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