Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hilarity of Spain

Yes, Spain is a different place. It's a much more relaxed environment than my preferred, Northern European/American ways. So, you all know that I have a terribly busy week ahead and was quite flustered about all my exams, reading, assignments, papers, etc.

Well, Dan and I have to get these residency card to stay in the country because our visa is only for 90 days. Who knows why, because you don't need a visa if you're staying less than 90 days, and you need a residency card if longer get my drift.

So, we get to the police station before 9am. Spaniards tend to be on the late side, but we got in around 9ish and waited for the people to get our forms together. We were then given a bill for the cards, but it had to be paid "at a bank". We go to our bank, expecting long lines, and they processed Dan's but my number was wrong. We walk back across town (this helped me get my exercise in for the day) and butted in line to get the right number. We go back to a closer bank and they don't process codes that begin with a 'Y'...of course mine started with 'Y'. Well, we go to another bank and wait and wait and wait. I was getting so nervous that Dan sent me home to get work. I was sweating as I got my stats book and ran back to the police station, where I was questioned by the police. Oh spanish is horrendous. Here I am trying to say that my husband is in there waiting for me. He let me pass, kept an eye on me, and Dan wasn't there. I tried to read. Dan came and there was no line!!! The police officer was much calmer, we got the bills submitted and then found out we can get our cards for another 40-45 days. What????!!!!

So it was 3 weeks ago that we applied for these cards. You have to wait for the application to go through, then pay the bill, then wait for processing! Ha! I love it here! real exercising yesterday, but I worked up quite a sweat with worrying and running all over town. Good thing I don't have a car.

Today, Dan and I ran this morning for 18 min 30 sec. My first loop was under 12 min again! Oh, it was so windy and a bit chilly. My lungs are still a bit hoarse from gasping for air. I still feel so out of shape.

Good news: I am getting my work done! Soon I will only have the big exams to study for.

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