Monday, October 27, 2008

Restful weekend

Yes, the stress got to me on Saturday, but I knew everything would be fine and that I'd make it through, like I always do. Yesterday I got a couple assignments finished and rested. The Americans were still here, so they took us out to a nice lunch at a restaurant that I've wanted to go to for a long time. The sun was shining and it was just overall pleasant.

Dan and I walked a lot, just to enjoy the sunshine. I even took a mid-day nap, very
Spanish of me, which was thoroughly enjoyed!

Church was quite amazing. We showed up and it was standing room only. We found seats, but were surprised by the shortened worship time. We then experienced and amazing cultural experience with the gypsies. The pastor and a visiting pastor from Barcelona (who preached Saturday evening) were combining their families. The Barcelona pastor's son asked for our pastor's daughter's hand in marriage. It was quite amazing.

I still don't know how the whole culture works. I know arranged marriages are still done, but I don't know if the pastor's daughter was happy, indifferent, or what. It was quite an experience to watch and be apart of and I can't wait to learn more about the culture.

Anyway, I have to get myself to write some papers! No more tears!

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