Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cooped Up

So my rant yesterday was nothing more than mindless drivel. I was cooped up in the house for two days working hard on my studies. I just got done with a run and hot shower and feel much more alive. Staying in the house, especially for 2 going on 3 days straight was making me a little wacky and I was not thinking straight.

And...I think I'm just jealous of my amazing friends. They are all so talented and creative. They give the best presents while I give what seems to be a rock in a sack.

Sure, we are all plagued to some degree by consumerism, but thank God our needs are met and we are given extra bonuses to enjoy much more too!

I ran the first loop in under 12 min and walked the 2nd little loop. I think I picked up a chest cold and could barely breathe. Thankfully it's in the mid 60s and it's enjoyable to be in a t-shirt in the sun!

Tomorrow is a day to celebrate! Dan's 30th!

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