Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dan's 30th and I'm sick

Yup, yesterday was Dan's 30th birthday and my cold was sick with a cold. I felt miserable all day and only wanted Dan to have a nice day. We worked all day...boring, huh?

Thankfully we went out for tapas at lunch and then to a German bar (Bremen) for patatas fritas y bocadillos: ensalada de queso y chorizo y jamon.

It was an early night. We came home with a tub of ice cream and a tarta de helado, and went to bed at 10pm. Our friend called and said he was going to this certain place to meet friends and that we should celebrate Dan's b-day. Of course I said yes, even though my bed was just beginning to get warm.

We waited for 45 min for him to show up and then we stayed out till 1...which is not late here, but late for me. I was sick so sitting in the smoky bar made it feel as if I smoked a pack. Gross!

I had to leave.

Dan says that I have to get sick or hurt on his special occasions. I had my back injury on day of his master's thesis defense and I was sick on his 30th. He said I can't handle anyone else having attention :) cute! humph!


D. Osland said...

Such a sweet cold head cold! Sorry for ruining your sick day with my birthday!

Alicia Smith Osland said...

yup, I am obviously sick. I wrote "my cold was sick with a cold" :) poor me