Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Are my ulcers back

Back in the day, when I had no clue which way was up, I had stomach ulcers. I had wrestled with stomach issues on and off, but actually have been doing well this past year. For the past few days, I am so sick after eating and writhing in pain. Stress...that is all I can think. I'm not only talking Dan's ear off and feeling badly for it, I seem to be internalizing it as well.

Dan and I had a discussion about the possibility that I just cannot (probably) go to Andorra with him. I am so overwhelmed with not only my weekly papers, but major projects that are due as well. I seem to only have time for my weekly stuff that I am so overwhelmed with the project work. Andorra would take four days of travel time there and back. I will have an exam there and have 8 hrs of class to "make up". I just can't justify going, even though I'd love to go to another country.

One good thing...
My last posting mentioned a nurse who really jumped on me and I had Dan read her response and he thought she was the most narrow minded person. I can't get into all of what she wrote, but I felt justified that the prof wrote that she threw out debatable material and then praised me for a great discussion. I needed that. I'm shallow...yes, but it couldn't have come at a better time.

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