Friday, January 9, 2009


I've been working on a group project that just started. We only had a few days to gather our info and present it to the group and the group leader will spend this weekend preparing a presentation for the class. It took me hours to research and I had to write 2 papers about specific topics, in one day. The first was good, but definitely not polished. The second was horrendous, but had all the information available for the group to use.

The professor monitors our contribution and grades us accordingly. She took my second piece and critiqued it. Unfortunately, I felt picked on, and I burst out in tears and couldn't sleep. I wrote her an email and she said she was only trying to help, but that she would save her "help" for the final project.

I am now concerned because I was being over emotional, but what am I being graded on? Content? Style? It's very hard to produce good work in one day.

I said I was going to take on a new attitude, but school is not helping me at all. I would love to quit, but I really believe that this is what I'm suppose to be doing. Dec is 12 months away. I can do this with God's grace. I must continuously run to His throne. There is a light at the end of the tunnel! I will pass and graduate in Dec!

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