Sunday, January 18, 2009

Wide open windows

The past two days were so sunny, that we had the front room windows open. The breeze was still quite chilly, not quite reaching 60. Today it is cloudy, but a bit warmer without wind, so I have the house completely opened up to dry it out a bit.

A few days ago we discovered mold growing on our closet walls. We are thankful to have 3 huge bedroom closets, but the wall of the two we use are covered in mold and mildew. We used to close them because they stayed so cold, but now we have them drying out so I can clean them.

I know the US is currently getting hit by a deep freeze. I miss my family and friends in WI and MN, but I can truly say I don't miss 0 as a high! My Cincinnatian friends are suffering as well with temperature under 0. Crazy!

I sure hope it warms up soon in the Extremadura. 50 is okay, but 75 would be better.

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